Day: March 8, 2013

Classic Radio Interviews

Gerald Anderson: two crashes at Roswell? (audio)

The Roswell Incident Perhaps the most famous UFO incident in history occurred in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. It’s hard to imagine, now, but the incident was first reported to the news media by the military. After initially releasing a statement that the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell had recovered a “flying disc” (of extraterrestrial […]

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Classic Radio Interviews

Lonnie Zamora case – Ray Stanford reports (audio)

The Lonnie Zamora UFO sighting is often cited as one of the most compelling on record by leading UFO researchers. The single witness, Lonnie Zamora, was a police officer in the town of Socorro, New Mexico. On April 24th, 1964 Zamora was chasing a local teenager who was speeding through town when he heard a […]

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Russell Crowe films UFO

Actor Russell Crowe has become one of an ever increasing number of celebrities to add his voice to the argument that, it may at least appear, someone is visiting.   In Crowe’s case, he happened to be pointing a camera out the window of his office in Sydney, Australia when he caught some sort of […]

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Classic Radio Interviews

Philip J. Corso and Roswell (audio)

The late Colonel Philip J. Corso was a career Army officer who spent much of his career working at intelligence related posts. UFO researcher John Alexander, who did a significant amount of research into Corso’s background, states that it would fair to characterize Corso as “a former Army intelligence officer….with a heavy background in research […]

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Classic Radio Interviews Video

Betty Cash Story – Jeff Rense

In the 1970’s Betty Cash was a successful businesswoman in Dayton, Texas (near Houston). In the early evening of December 29th, 1980 Betty dined out with her friend Vicki Landrum and Vicki’s grandson, Colby. As the three were driving home they observed an odd light in the sky which they, first, presumed to be an […]

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Gary Larson – Alien Pets

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